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Platinum Plus - Renewable Monthly Report

January 2024 - Sun's Rays and Cold Days

Renewable Monthly Report Preview

Perhaps the defining characteristic of this past January that was consistently observed across the entire country was significant cold snap that showed up in the early-to-mid month.  In much of the country the drop in temperatures produced significant effects on the power and natural gas markets. The weather-driven spike in demand in January combined with renewable patterns that have been in place for several months now to produce meaningful effects on the grid. 

Figure 1 | ERCOT Average Hourly Wind and Solar Generation by Month

This renewable monthly report goes market by market to delve into the latest news and changes tied to renewables across the country.  You can purchase the content of the report using the button below, or subscribe to the Platinum Plus eCommerce package to gain access to this and all past Renewable Monthly reports, along with ongoing dashboards and commentary tied to the renewable space.